Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sneaking Out

I've never had an official sneak out before.

I say official because I've had two attempts. I was reminded of them today and thought I'd share.

My first experience with this was at my best friends birthday party. We slept in a tent in her back yard and we all wanted to sneak out. We had it planned way before the party. Anyway, we planned to go chalking. So after her parents thought we went out to the tent to sleep we tiptoed across the grass, through her front yard, and headed to the car. We went to Smith's and then decided what lucky house to decorate with our talent of chalking. But, once we got there we realized we forgot the chalk. So we just went back to her house and got back into the tent. Her dad asked her about it the next day, he could hear her dog barking. We did kind of sneak out, but I don't count it because it wasn't from my own home.

My next sneak out attempt was just last summer. Or around that time. It was a Sunday morning and we had some cousins over who left before church started, they had somewhere to be. We joked about not wanting to get ready after partying with them all night. And so when they left, Julia, Mitchell, Spencer, and I decided to go hide and see how long it took for our parents to come tell us to get ready for church. Julia, Mitchell and I hid in my room between the dresser and the wall. It's a very small space and there was no room at all, but we fit. Spencer closed himself in my closet and we just sat there, waiting. And waiting. Spencer couldn't hold still and kept saying how "squished" he was because of all the shoes. We thought it was funny because he probably had way more room than the rest of us. Anyway, about ten minutes later my dad walked in, looked at the closet door and said a cheesy remark that was meant to let us know he knew we were in the closet. Which we weren't in the closet, just Spencer. But then he left.

We didn't know what to do. Should we give up the game and just go get ready? Should we stay there all day? Or should we climb out my window? CLIMB OUT THE WINDOW!!!! :) And so we did. We climbed out my bedroom window and sat there for a bit, hiding from our neighbor, hoping that he didn't see us. We pretended to be secret agents as we held our hands in guns and crawled around to the back of the house. It was about a half hour later when we decided to take it a step farther. We called the house. We could hear my dad from inside answer and we all started to laugh and just hung up. After about ten more minutes we secret agented again and headed back through my bedroom window. We put the screen back in place and took up our hiding places once again, as if nothing had happened.

When no one came we decided to move. It was a tight fit and rather uncomfortable. We walked out to the kitchen to find my dad eating lunch. He didn't seem too concerned by the fact that we were still in pajamas. I don't know if they ever even found out about us climbing out the window and running around the house like the weirdos that we are (guess they'll find out now since they are some of the few people who read this) so I guess it could count as a sneak out. But we didn't really leave our yard so I still think of it as an unofficial one.

One day I'll sneak out for real. And it will be great. ;)

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