Friday, May 6, 2011

The End is Here

The apartment is empty. (At least it should be).

The girls of B10 are no more.

I haven't seen my roommate in over a week.

My room is a disaster.

Boxes are everywhere. Some full, some empty, some in between.

I feel at a loss.

It's weird, but I really miss Ephraim. Funny, huh? I'd get so bored there, but now what am I doing? I don't have a job, need one, but don't have one. I don't have roommates to hang out with. I get in bed and have no one to talk to. I miss randomly playing volleyball. I miss randomly playing phase ten. I miss seeing my door randomly swing open. I miss it.

But, all things must come to an end. And the end of this year as been one we've all counted down the days for. It was a successful year. It had its ups and downs. Boy, did it have ups and downs. I'm glad to be rid of the drama. Think that leaves when you leave high school? Nope. Drama really has more to do with people, not social situations. I've learned a lot this year. A lot about myself, about people, about dreams and hopes and fears. And I've learned a lot in the knowledge sense too. Isn't that what this college experience was for?

As much as I miss everyone, everything, I'm happy to be home. I missed my family so much while I was gone. And it feels good to know that my family is all within walking distance, all in the same house. Except Whitney. I don't think I'd walk to her house. haha!

College will come again next year. And I'm sure I'll get tired of it and miss home.

So, while you're here, welcome, Summer. Welcome. :)

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