Friday, May 6, 2011

Funny Conversations

So lately I've found a lot of my conversations super funny. I thought I would share. My humor is weird though, so sorry if you aren't having a laugh-so-hard-you-pee-your-pants fit as you read this. ;)

Me: Ali, I just love your sister. She is SO cute! Can I just take her home with me?
Ali: Do you want to so so bad?
Me: Yes, I really, really want to.
Ali: Okay, you'll just have to talk to my parents then.
Ali: If you don't take Brooklyn, then what about Brighton?
Me: You'd late me take Brighton? I'd take him too.
Ali: Okay, you'll just have to talk to my parents then.

Me: I love these swing set!
Martha: (After an extremely long laughing fit while rolling on the ground) I love these swing set? Oh, Sorine that was a really silly thing to say!

Julia: Has the happy gas worn off yet?
Me: I feel pretty normal, am I acting weird?
Julia: Well, you aren't talking about unicorns so I think you're good.

Mitchell: What other article of faith should I say?
Julia: Five! (While giving him the secret, special hand hint)
Mitchell: We believe that a man must be...heard?

Martha: (After running the race at the Easter party) Okay, now you go get a prize.
Me: I don't need a prize, I already got one.
Martha: Yes you do! Even big kids can have one!

This reminds me of a time that me and Whitney decided that our jeans (yes jeans, not genes) don't mix well because we can't ever just be calm, we are always laughing at something, even if we don't know what the something is. We just have one of those relationships where being near each other makes us laugh. :)
Me and Whitney: Laughing uncontrollably
My aunt: What are you girls laughing at?
Quint: (he spoke, seeing how we couldn't stop laughing) I never know with these guys.
Whitney: (after finally calming down) It doesn't take much to get us to laugh.
Me and Whitney: Start laughing once again.

Julia: I just ate cooked frosting. Like, that was all it was.
Me: Was it yummy? Should we make a special cooked frosting desert?
Julia: A whole bowl of cooked frosting! YUMMY!

Me: Do you care which one you take? (Referring to the drinks we just got)
Whitney: Um, I want to take my car home.

This last one is more of a you-have-to-know-my-family type of thing. We'll kneel down for family prayer and stay that way for fifteen minutes before the prayer is actually said. And this is why:

Me: Mitchell! Your chin tickles! You can kneel on me, just don't put your chin there.
Whitney: Do I stink?
Mom: Spencer, it is your turn.
Spencer: No, it is Whitney's turn.
Whitney: I think I stink.
Mom: Whitney says it every time she is home. Mitchell said it last night, your turn.
Spencer: Mitchell didn't say it last night. Oh yeah, I wasn't here for last night.
Me: Because you refused to join us.
Julia: No, you don't stink, I stink.
Spencer: Mitchell said, "Spencer would you like to join us for family prayer?" And I said...
Mitchell: I invited you down nicely and you didn't come
Spencer: And I said "No." And Mitchell said "Are you mad?" and I said "yes." And then he left.
Mom: It's probably Mitchell you're smelling.
Julia: No, I know I stink. I've smelled myself all day.
Mitchell: Lets say the prayer! I'm tired!
Mom: But Mitchell's been farting. It is probably him that stinks.
Mitchell: It has been a long time since I've....slept.
Spencer finally says the prayer.
After the prayer
Julia: I thought you were going to say it has been a long time since you've farted, and I was like no, it hasn't been. I can attest to that.

Yep, that is my family for you. We put off saying prayers to figure out who the smell is coming from. I think it must have been my dad, why else would he have been silent that entire time? ;)

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