Saturday, June 11, 2011


Once upon a time (two summers ago) in a land not too far from here (my house, actually) I sat in bed reading. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a winged creature flutter by.

Something you readers must understand is that I have a terrible fear of moths. And that is what I thought the winged thing was. I called out for Whitney and she came running to my rescue. After we took a closer look at the bug and realized he wasn't a moth we of course had to name him. And so we chose the name Stewart.

Stewart was a different type of bug, one we'd never seen before. He flew very slowly and almost appeared to have wings all around his body. We grew fond of him. But when we woke up the next morning Stewart was gone. Never to be seen again.

Until, that is, last night.

Whitney was home and we were sitting at the counter. I was writing a letter, she was on the phone, and my mom was making rice crispie treats. Spencer walked by and freaked out about something. A bug, he said. When I looked up and saw the bug I was so excited! STEWART WAS BACK!!!!

Not even a minute later my mom whacked him with a fly swatter.

And that was the end of Stewart. :(

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