Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Uh oh...

On my way back to my apartment today I was speeding more than usual. I was alone in the car and really just wanted to get back. Jokingly, in my head, I made up excuses I could use if I got pulled over. It is kind of a weird habit I have to make up excuses like that.

When I got to the Nephi exit I was going WAY too fast and decided it would be best to slow down. It was a good decision. You see, when I turned the corner, a cop pulled out in front of me. He stayed in front of me for all of about three seconds and then he pulled over again. I made sure I was following the law. My seat belt was on, my brights were off, I didn't have a light out, and I was actually going five under the speed limit. I passed the cop and kept on driving.

I made sure to stay under the speed limit so that he would have no reason to pull me over. But, all of a sudden I saw lights flashing behind me and the cop was getting closer and closer. I was convinced that there was no way he was pulling me over, I was doing everything right! I pulled to the side of the road and he came up behind me. I started to freak out. We've all heard the horror stories about cops pulling someone over and they aren't really cops. There were no cars behind me and I was getting nervous. I sat in my car for about five minutes before he finally came up to the passenger side window.

"Hello, I ran your plates in the system and it showed that your registration expired and that you have no insurance." I just stared at him. I was pretty sure that all of that was taken care of. I was freaking out on the inside, but on the outside I tried to remain calm. He gave me a funny look and then said "But I realized I was one digit off. So, proceed with caution and have a good night." And then he walked away. It was rather awkward, actually. Haha!

I made it home safe without any more run-ins with the cops. And only ten more days before I head home again! Oh, thank goodness! :)

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