Sunday, February 6, 2011

Family Day!!!! :D

Although Family Day was officially today, I was lucky enough to have kind of a double family weekend. Last weekend Julia came to visit! Kendra, Sadie and I gave her a tour of campus and we hopped in the snow and made funny footprints and we got Shave n Cream...twice and we did face masks and we painted our nails and moved our mattresses downstairs to make one giant bed and then we watched movies. And the cake show. You can't forget the cake show!!!! I'm not sure how much fun she had, we really did do a lot of TV watching, but I loved having her visit. I wish we were closer in age so she could move in with me and go to school here.

Today, the official Family Day, I was visited by everyone but Julia. They got here just as church was starting. During Sunday School, I sat next to Spencer. He is distracting! I normally love the lessons we have in there but today I could not focus! He kept flipping the pages in my scriptures to read the markings I had made and then he decided to practice his finger spelling and spell all the colors I had on and then point to them. haha! You would think that I learned my lesson, but I didn't. I sat in between him and Mitchell in Sacrament meeting. I swear they were on something! It was like they forgot how to be reverent. They were both telling my stories at the same time and I couldn't really hear either of them. haha!

At one point I looked over and saw Spencer had written all over the program he had. Underneath Testimonies he had written "Talk: Sorine Goodworth." and then on the back of the program he was nice enough to write the talk for me. This is what he wrote, misspelled words and all!

This is A talk for Sorine G.
I have been asked to give a talk on misons. it is Important to have misionarys in the world because they bring people to the church. I am planing to go on a mision. I want to go where ever the Lord wants me to. Iif I had the choice to go to a) Navoo b) Blackfoot c) Paris d) Estonea I would chose d) Estonea because I have never heard of it and it sounds interesting. If we didn't have missonaries it would be hard to get people into the church. I love Spencer and am very grateful and owe him a lot for writing this talk for me. and will give him $1,000.
the ENd
by: Spencer G.

Haha! That kid cracks me up! Later, when we were eating the lunch at the church, he turned to me and said, "Sorine, if you were starving on the street and someone came up to you and gave you two choices, one: each day you get a cookie and that cookie multiplies by two every day but you only get it for a week. Or two: a two foot sandwich that you only get in one day. What would you choose?" hahah! Who even comes up with that? Of course, we had to get back at him. We asked if he'd rather have a pumpkin fall through the roof and land on his head and be stuck there or have a fairy come in and poke him in the cheek a thousand times. haha! :)

We all came back to my apartment to have "nap time" and to watch movies. I love that the Super Bowl is on today and what do my brothers and dad do? They watch Tinkerbell with me! :) Oh, what would I do without my crazy family! :)

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