Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

At this exact moment, I am in our van while Mitchell drives. That is the sad thing about growing up and moving out; I miss a lot of what goes on at home. I missed Mitchell get his learners permit and I’ll probably miss Spencer’s voice change. Although, I’m sure he’ll be fine with that. ;) We – me, my dad, Mitchell, and Spencer – took a little trip up to Georgetown, Idaho for a baby blessing and baptism. Both Dad and Mitchell said I’d better include something about that in here. We were there for my Uncle Greg’s family. Justin, a boy who is living with them, was being baptized and Brooklyn, their youngest, was being blessed. We were lucky to be there for both. The spirit was so strong!

Brighton, Brooklyn’s older brother, became quite fond of the peanut M&M’s that my dad brought. He would suck on them until he had colored drool dripping all over the place. My dad was happy; he didn’t have to worry that he’d eat them all himself. Mitchell also enjoyed Brighton (I’m sure everyone there did, he is quite a cutie). They played this game where Mitchell stood Brighton on the table and he would run right off the edge into Mitchell’s arms. It was funny how much he trusted Mitchell, he wouldn’t even slow down as he got close to the end of the table. This captivated an audience; everyone was watching and laughing as Mitchell caught Brighton and placed him back on the table to do it all over again. At one point, Brighton jumped and his head kind of bumped into Mitchell's. He cuddled with Mitchell for a second and then he was fine so Mitchell moved to put him back on the table. Just as Brighton’s feet reached the surface, he reached out his little arm and slapped Mitchell right in the face. I don’t know what made Brighton decide that it needed to be done, but Mitchell probably deserved it. ;)

Well, this is kind of a weird transition, but this is the real reason I started writing. A new year has arrived.  I look back at 2010 and am honestly shocked. This year has gone by so fast! It has been full of a lot of changes for me, too. I graduated from high school and now I’m living away from home. It’s weird to think about how I started out the year as a senior and ended it as a freshman. I’ve grown a lot (unfortunately not in the height category). Sure, sometimes I’m obnoxious or childish, but I’m truly happy with who I am turning out to be.

At the start of 2010 I thought about resolutions. They are kind of ridiculous. I mean, every year we seem to make the same resolutions because we couldn’t do it the year before. The most common of these is to lose weight. So, last year I decided to make a resolution that I knew I would be able to keep: eat more ice cream. I think I did a pretty good job with this. I went to cold stone with Kendra almost every weekend. I managed to eat ice cream for breakfast a few times. And, once I moved to school, Kendra and I each bought a thing of cookies n’ cream and ate it all in one weekend. I actually went through with my resolution.

Last week, I was talking to Julia about this and she was all “What are you going to do next year? Start drinking pop again?” It was a good idea, but I can’t drink pop anymore without getting a headache. So I decided I’d go back to the old resolutions we make and see if I can get one of those to work. This year, I’m going to be content. I’m going to wake up each morning and put a smile on my face. No matter what I’m going through, I’m determined to remain happy. I’m normally pretty good with this; I can put on a smile and be happy. So something else has to go along with it. I’m not going to let things slide. From now on, not only will I put on a smile and be happy with what I’m given, but I will hold my ground. I’m not going to let people walk all over me or get away with things they shouldn’t. I may be just five feet, but I’ll stand tall.

Well, this is turning out to be a lot longer than I thought it would be. And Mitchell is turning out to be a lot slower of a driver than I thought he would be. It feels as though this is the longest car ride ever. ;)


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