Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Wonderful Roommates (and Half Roommate)

When I started planning for college and all that, everyone warned me about roommates. I heard all sorts of horror stories - from chicken broth showers to kool-aid towels, from clean freaks to pack rats. I heard every story out there. And once I told everyone I was rooming with one of my best friends, I heard even more stories. I was warned that we'd end up hating each other within the first few weeks.

So as you can probably guess, I was really nervous about meeting my roommates. Not only was I worried about all the horror stories, but also I was worried because I'm just not good with meeting new people. I'm shy and it takes me a while to warm up to people. After I moved in, I spent the first couple of weeks up in my room with Kendra. Even though one roommate was my cousin, I just wasn't feeling comfortable with them and I was just really shy around them. But then it happened. One night I spent way too long in my room working on a paper and I had to get out. Kendra and I went outside to play volleyball and our roommates saw us at our normal stage rather than our shy stage. Ever since then we've all gotten along really well. I'm lucky I don't have any stories to add to the horror category.

I also have a half roommate, Sadie. She lives across the little grassy area but you would think that she lived with us. Somehow, I have become best friends with this crazy girl. I'm always over with her or she is always over with me. The only problem is that her and Kendra like to "fight" and I'm in the middle of it, literally. This resulted in Sadie whacking me with her arm while walking back from the play the other head is still pounding. ;)

I am so happy that things have turned out the way they have. I have the best roommates ever! I know that I can turn to them for anything and they'll be there to listen. They've been there already, as I've had several breakdowns. Haha. I'm so glad that I got out of my shy stage and got to know these amazing girls. I don't know what I'd do without them. :)

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