Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Apparently I just feel like posting a lot today. Haha! But when I read this one I couldn't not share it with you all. It pretty much sums up my crazy brother. I love that boy! :)

August 17, 2008

We once had a pet chicken. Two to be exact.

As I write this Spencer is watching qubo...What else is new? As I type the word "chicken" the boy on the TV yells "He's a chicken!" I thought that was significant.

Our pet chicken, the first one was eaten by a dog.

The second one froze to death in the winter.

I guess we weren't meant to have a pet chicken.

My brother Mitchell, that crazy kid, is the one who thought having chickens would be fun. Seeing how much he enjoys any sort of meat it was odd that he wanted a chicken as a pet and not as food. It didn't last long. We didn't even get many eggs out of them.

Today Mitchell wanted to have chicken and rice for dinner. So my mom asked him to help her make it. There is something you have to understand about my brother. He is very ADD. No joke. He walks around the house singing the most random made up songs in a very high voice that hurts your ears so stinkin much. When he gets bored, which is like every second, he'll grab my hand and turn it into weird shapes and stick it in the air. This happens a lot during sacrament meeting. He really does work hard though when asked and he likes his food so he had no problem helping my mom.

Mitchell quickly started doing what he was asked and measured out a half a cup of that weird wheat germ stuff that tastes good on bananas. "Should I dump it on the pan?" He asked. "No! Just leave it right there." My mom cut the raw chicken into strips. Handing him the first one she said "Put it in the bag and shake it." Like I said before, Mitchell is a good worker. Doing as he was told he put the lonely piece of chicken into the hallon sized bag and shook it. He shook it for all he was worth, not even knowing why.

I was witnessing all this and found it HILARIOUS! When he was asked to spray the pan with Pam he did so. While shaking th bag of one piece of chicken and yelling "I'm multitasking!" in his weird high then low voice.

The dinner turned out pretty good, even though it had some pointless air shaking.


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