Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Way to a Man's Heart

We've all heard the saying. "A way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

The question is, have we all heard about the success of feeding a man and getting him to fall in love with you?

While flipping through a magazine my mom had sitting on the counter, I came across a recipe for some sort of "healthy cake" (as if a such thing exists). The lady who had sent in this recipe went on and on about how many dates she got after making it for some sort of function. My question is, do the two things - making a healthy cake and getting dates - really have a connection? Is it possible that men are putting the connection there to get us to continually make them food?

I have a confession, I'm guilty of trying this out. I've made carrot cake, cinnamon rolls, and cookies all with just one guy in mind. After each one, he'd tell me how wonderful they were and how great of a cook he thought I was. Of course he wasn't the only one I would share this food with. And everyone else would comment on it, too, convincing me that with those skills I wouldn't be single for long.

Yet, here I am. Still single. And even though attempt number one didn't work, I tried again. This time I made tacos, scones, cinnamon rolls again, cheesecake, all sorts of things. Again the same results.

And yet, here I am. Still single. So, my question is, why do we women keep making food for these men? I've quoted him before and I'll quote it again. As Dallin H. Oaks said, "Young women...don't make it easy for young men to hang out in a setting where you women provide the food."

And there you have it. The way to a man's heart could be through his stomach, but probably not. It is possible, but most likely there is something else to it. I'll let you know if I figure it out. ;)

Monday, March 4, 2013

My dreams can be a little unusual...

When I was about eleven, I had a dream that I had a twin sister. But I accidentally killed her while doing the dishes. She fell out the window with a bunch of pots and pans.

Yeah, it took me a while to recover from that one.

And then it came back. One of the few recurring dreams I've ever had.

Anyway, my dreams have always been weird. Some a little morbid, some funny, some adventurous (Example, a few weeks ago I had a dream Chelsea and I jumped into a river with a bunch of camping gear).

And some, just plain old weird.

A few nights ago I didn't sleep very well. That always results in fantastic dreams. I woke up a lot in the night. That always results in me remembering almost every detail of my dreams.

To tell the entire dream would take a very long time (just ask Spencer), so instead I will just give you a few details. If you want the full story, let me know. I'll tell you in person. :)

This dream involved a silent and extremely overweight guy named Kirby playing the chopsticks on randomly placed pieces of wood. It involved a zombie "football game" (which was really just us running away from the zombies at the grand canyon while holding a football). It involved one of my roommates turning into a super hero named Kicking Katie, who had a boyfriend sidekick named Jump-kick Jack.It involved turning to dust on a windy day and heads shattering like ice cubes. It also involved magic pizza, savory pudding, a leaping fiance, and snow creams with potatoes.

Right, it was one intense dream.